Harris E. Pattison

    The following biographical sketch of Harris E. Pattison appeared in "Counties of White & Pulaski, Indiana, Historical and Biographical", Chicago: F.A. Battey & Co. 1883:

    "H.E. PATTISON, M.D., was born in Mount Vernon, Ohio, February 4, 1843. His parents, David and Olive (Mitchell) Pattison, were natives respectively of New York and Massachusetts, were of Scotch-English descent, and the parents of four children, of whom a son and daughter are yet living. David Pattison, a farmer, is now residing with his second wife, in knox County, Ohio, his first wife, the mother of our subject, having died in August, 1881. Dr. Pattison was reared on his father's farm, received a good school and academic education, and in 1860 began the study of medicine at Mount Vernon in the office of Dr. William Hayes. While yet a student, he enlisted in the summer of 1862, in Company F, One Hundred and Twenty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and immediately went to the front, assigned to the Army of the Cumberland, first under Buell, and afterward under Rosecrans. He fought as a private in the battles of Perryville and Stone River, and in several skirmishes, and in the summer of 1863 was transferred to the medical department. In 1864 he was made Assistant Surgeon, and put in charge of a field hospital; in September, 1864, his term of enlistment expired; the winter of the same year he attended medical lectures at Ann Arbor; the following winter he attended the medical department of Wooster University at Cleveland, graduating in March, 1866. The following two years, he practiced his profession at Mount Liberty, Ohio, and the next two at Hopedale. In 1870, he came to Star City, this county, where he practiced until 1875, and then came to Winamac, where he has ever since been engaged in active practice. The Doctor is a Republican, a Freemason and an Odd Fellow. In 1867, he married Miss Columbia Hayes, daughter of his preceptor, and to this marriage have been born three children--Harry H., Frank H. (deceased) and William D."

    Shortly before he died, the following notice appeared in the Pulaski County (IN) Democrat, 20 Oct 1893:

    "Dr. H.E. Pattison was taken sick Sunday night or Monday morning with a stomach trouble, and is yet very much out of shape. Mrs. Pattison has also been quite ill from a complication of ailments, but she is now convalescent."

    The following day, this item appeared in The Democratic Journal, Winamac, IN, on 21 Oct 1893.

    "Dr. H.E. Pattison fell dead on the street Thursday night about nine o'clock. He had been suffering with real and imaginary ills for a week or so past, and had on that evening been taken out for a walk by John Scott and Jacob Farenbaugh. When near Mrs. Gill's, in the northern part of town, he fell, and after one or two convulsions, was dead. 'Tis very sad, indeed, and the doctor's family have the sympathy of all. Dr. Pattison had been a resident of Winamac for many years, and at one time had the best practice of any physician in the county. He was a man of kindly disposition, liberal to a fault and devoted to his family. His age was about 45 years (actually, he was 50). The doctor carried a $3,000 life insurance in the Royal Arcanum. Funeral service next Sunday afternoon."

    The Pulaski County Democrat then printed the following curious story the next week, on 26 Oct 1893:

    "Last Thursday night about 9 o'clock, after all the Democrats were printed and some hundreds of them mailed, occurred the death of Dr. H.E. Pattison, whose illness was noted in that issue. As stated then, he had been taken sick early Monday morning, with a severe stomach trouble. When that phase of the ailment passed off it left him very delirious, with a desire to move about a good deal, and in an effort to prevent the heart complications that would very likely follow any endeavor to keep him quiet by force, the attendants in charge of him were instructed to go with him and let him move about at will. At the time mentioned he wanted to walk, and Jake Farenbaugh and John Scott, who were caring for him that night, went with him. They went north on Monticello street, and when about five blocks from the house the doctor suddenly sank down on the pavement unable to proceed. A messenger was sent for the patient's son Will, who had been up almost constantly for nearly ninety hours and was then asleep, and he in turn sent messengers for a carriage and for Dr. Moss. He found his father barely alive when he reached him, and death from heart failure came before the physician or carriage arrived. Telegrams were sent to Lieut. Harry Pattison at Fort Reno, OK, and to deceased's sister, Mrs. Lewis, in Georgia. The latter's health prevented her coming, but Harry arrived at 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon, an hour before the time set for his father's burial. The funeral is said by those who have lived here many years to have been the largest ever seen in the county. The doctor was a member of the Masonic order, the Knights of Pythias, the Royal Arcanum and the G.A.R. Over 200 of his brothers in the various orders were in the procession, more than half of them being Masons, North Judson and Kwanna Masonic lodges coming as lodges and many others of the order being present from Star City, Francesville, Medaryville and Logansport. There were also many Knights of Pythias present from the west side and from Logansport. The funeral was in charge of Winamac Masonic lodge, and following the completion of its ceremony at the grave the K. of P. burial service was also rendered. Dr. Pattison had practiced medicine in this county nearly twenty-five years, and was rightly considered among the best physicians of Northern Indiana. He was one of those big hearted men who derived much pleasure from accommodations to his friends, and the very large attendance at his funeral is a good criterion of the universal kindly feeling entertained for him. His age was fifty years, eight months and fifteen days. He leaves a widow, to whom he was married about six months ago, two sons -- Harry and Will -- by his first wife, and a little daughter, Olive, by his second wife, who died just two years ago."

    Dr. Harris E. Pattison's will is short and succinct. It is dated Dec. 30, 1891 and is filed in Winamac, Pulaski, IN.

"I, Harris E. Pattison, do make this my last Will and Testament:
Item one:    I first desire that all my just debts be fully paid.
Item two:    I give and bequeath all my property both personal and real and of all kinds whatsoever to my son
William D. Pattison, to be his own property absolutely. I do this, and make this my last will and request trusting to the honor and integrity of my said son William D. Pattison that he will do what is just and right toward my children Harry and Olive. And I believe that my son William D. will do toward them what is just, right and honorable.
Item three:    I hereby appont my son
William D. Pattison and my friend B. Borders as executors of this my last will and testament, especially directing that they be not required to give any bond for the performance of their duty as such executors.
In Witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and and (sic) seal this 30th day of December A.D. 1891. (signed) Harris E. Pattison"