Sylvanus Mitchel

    Sylvanus Mitchel was a pioneer, being one of the first white settlers of Licking County, Ohio. We can find several mentions of him in Henry Bushnell, "The History of Granville, Licking County, Ohio", published in Columbus, OH in 1889.

    This first group of settlers originated in Granville, Massachusetts, where they formed a subscription company on 3 Apr 1804. By August of that year, 44 men had paid a membership fee of ten dollars each, the first of whom so inscribed being  Sylvanus Mitchel. (pp. 25-27)

    In September 1804, the company began to move westward, in small groups. The journey took about six weeks. The route crossed "the Hudson River at Fishkill Landing, or Fort Edward; thence over a point of New Jersey, across the Delaware at Easton, the Schuylkill at Reading, the Susquehanna at Harrisburg, by Carlisle and over the Alleghanies, through Washington, Pa., across the Ohio at Wheeling, and on to Zanesville. From that place they drove through unbroken forests, guided by blazes on the trees made by those who had gone before them." (p. 40)

    About November 20, 1804, Sylvanus arrived in a small company of about 18 men, women, and children. (p. 41)

    In the first few years of the little colony, Sylvanus is mentioned as being on a committee to form a library (p. 74) and being named a pettit juror (p. 83), but otherwise does not seem to have distinguished himself in the community.

    However, despite his apparent lack of community involvement, he was enrolled as a Lieutenant in Capt. Levi Rose's company of infantry in June, 1812, and served in this company during the War of 1812. (pp. 97ff.)

    Sylvanus did not remain in the Granville Colony. According to a biographical sketch of his son, Almon ("History of Knox County, Ohio", by N.N. Hill, Jr., published by A.A. Graham & Co., 1881), Sylvanus moved his family to Milford Twp., Knox County, in 1822, and there they remained.

    Sylvanus' last will and testament is filed in the Knox County, Ohio, courthouse, in Will Book 2, p. 18 (all spellings original):

    "I, Sylvenus Mitchell, of the County of Knox, in the State of Ohio, do make and publish this my last Will and testament, in manner and form following that is to say,
    "First. It is my Will that my funeral Expences and all my just debts be fully paid.
    "Second. I give devise and bequeath to my beloved wife, Betsey Mitchell, in lieu of her dowery, the one undivided half of the West one hundred acres of the plantation consisting of one hundred and fifty acres which we now reside on. situate and being the (19) nineteenth lott in Section (3) Three Township (5) Five and Range (14) Fourteen United States Military lands in Knox County to have and to hold during her natural life time, and one half of all the live stock, Horses, Cows, Sheep Oxen Steers, Young Cattle Hogs &c, by me now owned and kept theron. Also the one half of all the Household furniture, and other items not perticular named and otherwise disposed of, in this Will during her natural life time as aforesaid. She however first disposing of a sufficientcy thereof to pay the ond half of my just debts as aforesaid. And at the death of my said Wife all the landed property hereby devised or bequeathed to her as aforesaid shall go to my son Spencer Mitchell and to his heirs and assigns (?) forever. And at the death of my said wife all the personal peoperty hereby devised or bequeathed to her as aforesaid or so much thereof as may then remain unexpended to be disposed of as she in her life time may will.
    "Third. I give and devise, to my younger Son Spencer Mitchell the one undivided half of the West One hundred acres of the plantation consisting of one hundred and fifty acres which we now reside on. Situate and being the (19) nineteenth lott in Section (3) Three Township (5) five of Range (14) Fourteen United States Military lands to his heirs and assigns forever in fee simple. Also all the farming Utensils belonging to me includeing Waggons Carts &c. Also the one half of all the live stock, Horses Hogs Cattle Sheep &c. by me owned and kept thereon or on said plantation, also the one half of all the Household furniture, and other items not perticular named, and otherwise disposed of in this Will, he the said Spencer Mitchell first disposeing of a sufficiency thereof to pay the one half of my just debts his mother settling the one or other half thereof. Also it is my Will that that my said Son Spencer Mitchell shall pay to my youngest daughter Mary J. (?) Mitchell on her becomeing of age, or to her heirs or assigns the sum of Eighty Dollars and that she mary J. be permitted to live and make this her home with her mother so long as she remains single. Also that she Mary J. shall have twelve sheep that
David Patterson now has on the shares. Also it is my Will that my said Son Spencer Mitchell shall pay to my two Grand Daughters Welthy and Lucinda Mary on their becoming of age or to their Heirs the some of Twenty dollars each.
    "Fourth. I give and devise to my son
Alman Mitchell and to his heirs and assigns the sum of five Dollars.
    "Fifth. I give and devise to my oldest Son Albert Mitchell my Seccond Son Orren Mitchell my third son (liveing) James S. Mitchell my oldest daughter (liveing) Lucina Hawkins my second daughter (liveing) Olive Patterson, and to my youngest daughter Mary Jane Mitchell, and to their heirs and assigns the East fifty acres, or fifty acres off of the East side of the plantation, that we now live upon and the same tract before mentioned in this instrument to be equally divided between the six children efore mentioned, or their heirs or assigns, at my death of decease.
    "And lastly I hereby constitue and appoint my wife, said Betsey Mitchell and my Son Spencer Mitchell, to be the Executors for this my last Will and testament revokeing and annulling all former wills y me made, and ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last Will and testament. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this seventh day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty one. Sylvanus Mitchel"

    "P.S. Further it is my Will that my Executors pay to my second Son Orrin Mitchel out of the personal property the som of one hundred dollars in one year after my decease. S. Mitchel."