Edward Heinecke


Edward Heinecke was born 07 Mrz 1858 in Sheboygan, WI, the oldest of four children born to the German immigrants Gustave and Wilhelmina (Weisse) Heinecke.

The following death notice appeared in German in "Der Lutheraner" in 1934; it was translated in 1992 by Parvin Lambertus at the Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, MO:

    "Pastor E. Heinecke died on January 7 in Santa Ana, California, at the age of 75 years. He died in the faith of his Savior whom he served for 40 years as pastor of several congregations and for whom he especially in the last 10 years of his life carried the cross.
    He was born on March 7, 1858, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. He took his theological education at Ft. Wayne and completed his studies under Dr. Walther in St. Louis. His service as pastor was exclusively in the state of Michigan. He served with much commitment the congregations in Marquette from 1881 to 1884 and in the town of Merritt from 1884 to 1891.
    From 1891 to 1903 he was minister at the well-known Synod congregation in Frankentrost. During his pastorate the congregation celebrated its 50th anniversary and he composed a brief history of the congregation which holds great historical value. His last service to the Lord was with the congregation in Riley where he served for 18 long years with all truth and integrity, until illness forced him to lay aside his office.
    He then moved to California in the hope of renewing his health. Hardly had he somewhat recovered before he was asked to help out with missions in Glendale and Pomona. In the fall of 1923 he moved back to Michigan where he suffered a stroke so that in the last 10 years of his life he had to depend on the help and care of his especially loyal spouse. During his sickness he translated the entire Bible and also Dietrich's Catechism into Spanish.
    He was joined in the holy estate of matrimony with Augusta Dorow on September 18, 1882 in Marquette and God blessed this holy estate with 13 children. Two sons are pastors in Michigan.
    The burial took place on January 10 at St. John's Cemetery in Orange, California. A large number of pastors assembled to participate in the last rites of the one fallen asleep. President G.H. Smutal preached the sermon in English on the text Psalms 116:15 while the undersigned preached in German on Luke 2:29. Pastor W. Schmook performed the rites at the grave.
    -Pastor A.M. Bode"

    Edward Heinecke's service record in the Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod:

1881-1884    Marquette, Michigan area
1884-1891    Merritt Twp., Bay Co., Michigan
1891-1903    Frankentrost, Saginaw Co., Michigan
1903-1921    Riley, Clinton Co., Michigan
1921-1923    Glendale and Pomona, California